Is it good to Massage your Dog?
Dogs love feeling close to their owners so petting and grooming are therefore perfect ways to spend time bonding with each other. Properly performed massage will benefit your dog’s health and well-being as well as deepen your special bond. Chances are that you’ll lower your own blood pressure as well.
How to Massage your Dog
- Choose a time when your dog is already relaxed, submissive and open to being handled. If at any time he shows his displeasure or wants to leave, don’t keep him against his will. Have another try later.
- Start by gently petting him all over whilst talking to him softly to keep him calm.
- Moving down from the top of his head to his shoulder, massage in circular motions. Keep the pressure gentle.
- Next move onto his chest and front legs. If he is not keen on you touching his legs, then simply move on. Don’t break the spell!
- Massage in circular motions along his back, on both sides of the spine. Finally, slowly move onto his back legs (again leave these if he doesn’t enjoy) and tail area.
- In just 10 minutes, you should have a de-stressed, truly pampered dog.

Do Dogs benefit from massage?
You can use massage in situation where your dog is getting stressed, for example when there’s a thunderstorm brewing and even for a pre-walk warm up (in the same way human limber up before exercise).
Benefits of Dog Massage
Pretty much like grooming, the benefits of dog massage include:
- Discovering unknown lumps, bumps and injuries.
- Relieving joint and muscle pain and aches.
- Detecting ticks and other parasites.
- Improving circulation and blood flow to the muscles, skin and major organs.
- Stimulating the lymph system to help eliminate toxins.
- Improving the quality of the coat.
- Producing deep relaxation (both in you and your dog!).
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