Did you know that there are plants that are poisonous to your dog? If you have a garden, you need to be mindful of your pet’s safety before planting. In this article, we will talk about 10 plants that are Poisonous to your dog.

Do you love landscaping? Azalea might be your top choice. These are some of the most popular landscape plants, as they have shallow roots and are found almost everywhere.
But beauty doesn’t make it any less poisonous. This entire plant is toxic for your house pets. You need to be especially cautious if you have dogs.
The toxicity can also make cattle and horses get sick. Eating just a few leaves is enough to do this.
Azalea causes motion sickness, vomiting, and stomach issues for animals. Its long-term effects are even more dangerous. If you have a dog or intend to get one, please pass on Azaleas. If you already have them in your lawn or garden, remove them ASAP.
Your pet could mistake it for something edible and start munching on it. Call the poison control helpline if your pet has eaten any part of this plant.
Visible signs of poisoning caused by Azalea are excessive drooling, diarrhea, and puke. If not treated immediately, your pet might start getting tremors and seizures. It can even slip into a coma.
The less visible signs of Azalea poisoning are depression, blindness, abnormal heartbeats, and abdominal pain.
The vet will most likely flush your pet’s system with saline and activated charcoal. Vets will give intravenous fluids to treat dehydration and low blood pressure.

This is another popular choice of landscaping plant for gardeners. It’s an evergreen shrub used for designing your dream lawn. They are also easy to grow and beautiful to look at.
On the flip side, the bark, leaves, and seeds are poisonous. They have a disastrous effect on your house pets’ central nervous system, especially cats and dogs.
If they accidentally eat this plant, the first signs of poisoning are drooling, weakness, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. There can also be life-threatening changes, like significant changes in the heart rate and blood pressure.
Your pet’s pupils will get dilated, and they will experience tremors and seizures.
Unless you seek instant medical help, the situation will worsen with your pet falling into a coma and eventually dying.
Be careful with bouquets and wreaths as well. Some florists use Japanese Yew to make them for the holidays.
You will need to keep your dog away from these things. Even horses are at a higher risk of yew poisoning.
Morning Glory

It is a beautiful plant with an even better name. When bloomed, they light up your fences like no other. Blue, Pink, Whites- every color gives a vibrant feel to your scenery.
Sadly, you have to avoid this plant if you have house pets.
The seeds of some morning glory species contain a natural form of LSD. It induces hallucinations, tremors, and disorientation in cats and dogs.
Be vigilant when your pets are anywhere near this plant. If you absolutely love these flowers, you need to put it somewhere out of your pet’s reach.

Hosta is another low-maintenance, fast-growing plant with minimal care. It’s great for places that don’t get much sunlight. But if you have a pet, you need to pay more attention to them when roaming around the Hostas.
It’s the toxins that make Hosta poisonous for both cats and dogs.
If you find your animal roaming around this plant, it may lead to something terrible.
It’s best to remove it immediately.
Hostas cause diarrhea, vomiting, and depression in pets.
Elephant Ear

Grown successfully in warm climates, the elephant ears are an excellent choice for landscaping. The big, luscious green leaves are a sight for sore eyes.
Although it’s great to have in your home garden, it’s a nightmare for any pet owner.
It can cause swelling, vomiting, and diarrhea in animals and humans.

While it’s one of the prettiest flowers, the toxic properties of daffodils lead to vomiting, irritation, and severe stomach problems.
Eating large amounts of this beautiful plant causes convulsions and low blood pressure, leading to your pets’ cardiac issues.
If you have dogs, especially those who love to dig around, daffodils are a strict no-no as the bulb of this flower is the most poisonous part.

Begonia is one of the very few plants that love darker places. If you live in a house or apartment without proper sunlight, begonias are the perfect choice for a houseplant. Begonias thrive without having direct light.
But as they say, looks can be deceiving. It holds true in the case of begonia.
They may look small and harmless but are harmful to your house pets, especially dogs and cats. Even horses are not spared from the effects of these harmful toxins.
The most toxic part of begonia is underground.
Eating any part of it leads to kidney failure, vomiting, and severe salivation among dogs and cats.
Jade Plant

These have made their way to the racks of almost every supermarket. They grow fast and are perfect low-maintenance houseplants for people who forget to water. But it seems like their good luck benefits do not extend to pets, as Jade plant poses severe threats to house pets.
Its leaves are thick and rubbery. For some weird reason, dogs find them tasty and try to take bites.
It causes mild to severe side effects in dogs, including vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, depression, aggression, etc.
Lemon Plants

Lemons are widely famous for their medicinal properties and immunity-boosting effects, thanks to the rich concentration of vitamin C. This is why many gardening hobbyists choose to have a lemon tree in their home if they have a sunny corner.
The smell of its fresh leaves will keep you energized throughout the day. I wish this also could be said for your faithful companions.
The lemon tree is toxic to house pets as well as dogs and horses.
Most pets have shown severe side effects like vomiting, depression, and potential skin issues.
A lemon tree probably isn’t the ideal choice for a dog owner.

It is one of the most recognizable plants out there. Many of you have one. Apartment living and easy maintenance have helped make them a popular choice.
But let me warn you that cactus will hurt cats and dogs, not to mention anyone else that touches it.
The sap and the skin, in particular, have certain types of irritants that cause harm to the mouth and stomach. And of course, they are prickly and cause accidents if your pet gets too close. You would never want them to trip anywhere near a thorny cactus.
Avoid this houseplant at all costs if you want to keep your animal-safe.
Do you have any of these plants in your home? Do you have pets? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!
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Excellent information. We have a new dog and want to make sure we take the best of care.